The Governor of Inhambane, Daniel Tchapo launched the seminar to publicize the Economic Acceleration package today in the city of Inhambane.
The Governor thanked the presence of the Provincial Executive Council, the Association of Entrepreneurs, Civil Society that joined the event en masse.
He informed that this mission aims to publicize and socialize the PAE, focusing on the expected gains within the perspective of the two pillars on which the 20 measures are based, namely the fiscal package, stimulus to the economy and improvement of the business environment, good governance and transparency . He praised the decision to carry out the mission and thanked the multisectoral delegation made up of MEF-GCRE, SENAMI, MTC and MICULTUR sent for the purpose.
He ended by saying that the challenges that exist around the acceptance of the measures must be tackled, which leads to a dynamism in intersectoral communication so that there is in fact a collective change.