As part of the operationalization of the economic acceleration measures, a Seminar was held from the 6th to the 8th of December, in the Ponta View Conference room in the Ponta D´Ouro, Matituine District, Maputo Province, the Seminar for Listening to the Decree Regulations on the Allocation and Management of Revenues Destined for the Development of Communities and Provinces in the Areas Covered by Mining Activity and Petroleum Operations and the respective Manual of Procedures.
This seminar is part of the implementation of Measure 8 of the Economic Acceleration Plan (PAE) “Allocate 10% of tax revenues from natural resources to the development of the provinces where extraction takes place, aiming to ensure that these resources have a direct impact on improving life populations in exploited areas, thus reducing asymmetries, they should be allocated exclusively to finance infrastructure projects and development programs that have a multiplier effect on the local economy”.
Technicians from the Provincial Economy and Finance Services, Provincial Planning and Finance Departments, Provincial Infrastructure Services, Civil Society, MEF (DNPO, DNTCEF, DNCP, DAJN, and DNMA), AT, MIREME, and MOPHRH took part in the meeting.
The meeting was opened by Ms. Cristina Mathusse, Deputy National Director for Planning and Budget. In her speech, she welcomed the technicians from the Provinces, mentioning that the meeting served as a moment for harmonizing the Government’s action at the territorial level, ensuring coherent planning and budgeting with a view to responding to the population’s concerns.
He added that the application of resources from mining and oil exploration revenues is a major concern of all segments of society, including legislative bodies, hence the need to design instruments that improve the performance of communities, in improving their lives, as well as in the pursuit of what is embodied in articles 20 and 48, of Laws nº 20 and 21/2014, both of August 18th.
She added that before, there was technical work that allowed the production of proposals for the instruments that will be the object of discussion in this meeting. Once the proposals were produced, it was concluded that there was a need to socialize, deepen and obtain a single platform with the operators at the base.