The PAE Team, in coordination with the National Directorate of Plan and Budget of the MEF, carries out from October 30th to November 24th, 2023 a mission to socialize and disseminate Decree No. 40/2023 of July 7th, 2023, which regulates the criteria allocation and management of the percentage of revenue destined for the development of provinces, districts and local communities where mining and oil exploration projects are implemented.
The PAE Team and DNPO will hold several meetings with members of the Provincial Assembly, Provincial Executive Council, Provincial Services, District Services and community leaders with a view to broadening the dissemination. It is important to note that this mission is the second phase of the socialization of the Decree and will take place in 4 Provinces: Manica, Gaza, Tete and Maputo. The 1st phase of dissemination took place from June 18th to June 30th, 2023 in the Provinces of Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Zambézia, Tete, Sofala and Inhambane.
This dissemination mission is expected to result in compliance with the approved Decree and other support instruments by all parties involved in the process (Provincial and District Governments and beneficiary communities). Likewise, the mission will provide clarification, through the Guide of Procedures for the Allocation and Management of Revenues from the Tax on Mining and Oil Production intended for the Development of Beneficiary Communities, of the steps to follow taking into account the various procedures observed in the planning, execution, contracting of works, monitoring and evaluation.